Putting AI to Work
10:45 am - 11:45 am,
Kresge Auditorium
Joi Ito, MIT Media Lab (@joi)
Ali Azarbayejani, SB ’88, SM ’91, PhD ‘97, Cogito Corporation (#AliAzarbayejani)
Seth Earley, Earley Information Science (@sethearley)
Ryan Gariepy, Clearpath & OTTO Motors (@ottomotors)
Prof. Josh Tenenbaum, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT (#JoshTenenbaum)
While the poster child of AI, the fully autonomous vehicle, is still five or more years out on the horizon, there are many implementations of AI that are available today or will be within the next year or so. AI technologies and AI-driven products are enabling new services never possible before, providing deep business intelligence, automating work, and cutting costs. The development and deployment of these systems also raise ethical and regulatory concerns as well as the risk of the displacement of jobs. This panel will focus on how firms are implementing or how they expect to implement AI, including effectiveness, stage of adoption, and benefits, as well as the potential impacts on unemployment and society.
- The challenges of leading companies through the AI revolution were examined in a recent symposium. (2017-06-19)
- Technobabble: Technology’s case for a universal basic income (2017-06-02)
- 2017 MIT CIO Symposium in photos: A SearchCIO snapshot (2017-05-31)
- AI in the Workplace: Augment, Instead of Replacing Humans (2017-05-29)
- Five ways to prepare tech employees for the future of work (2017-05-25)
- How CIOs can encourage data-driven mindset (2017-05-18)
- Upcoming: MIT Sloan CIO Symposium (2017-04-05)