The CIO Adventure: Insights from the Leadership Award Finalists

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm,
Sala de Puerto Rico - 2nd floor, Stratton

George Westerman, MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy (@gwesterman)

Julia Davis, Aflac (#JuliaDavis)
David Gledhill, DBS (@GledhillDavid)
Dr. Dieter Haban, Daimler Trucks North America (@DieterHabanCIO)
Michael Nilles, Schindler Group (@MichaelNilles)

The MIT Sloan CIO Leadership Award honors executives who lead their organizations to deliver exemplary levels of business value through innovative use of IT. For the first time, the Symposium is bringing all the Finalists together for a lively exchange of innovative ideas and best practices.

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